Branding start-ups at Welsh ICE

Written by on 19th March, 2014


Some of the logos we've designed for companies based at Welsh ICE

You may or may not know, and we've mentioned before, we're based at Welsh ICE, which doubles up firstly as a centre for cultivating new business ideas and start-ups, and secondly as a collaboration and co-working space for these new and established businesses. With some history behind us, we joined ICE primarily to join a thriving community and to have some lovely studio space of our own. It's been almost two years that we've been here, and in that time we've had the opportunity to advise some superb little start-ups with branding and we've even worked on a few for some identity work and insight workshops.

In recent days, it really hit us how many of these companies we've had the pleasure to work with, to guide into the big world of business, and arm them with the right materials to look the part and help them present themselves as solid, knowledgable companies when facing their all important clients and customers. Within the ICE community, we've heard first hand from clients and colleagues who have become friends, how effective the work we have done for them and what it has enabled them to achieve.

We love that we can continue to guide, tweak and evolve some very worthwhile brands, and the honest feedback that comes from everyone at ICE, helps us to help them better.
Some of the companies have featured on our new website, and we look forward to showing you more as we add to our portfolio over the coming weeks.

Of course we welcome the opportunity to work with other new businesses, whether based at ICE or not, we have so much more than design work to offer, with our Insight Workshops we'll help you with a plan of action, and some real mileage to take your brand forward.