ION leadership
An Ion is a (positively) charged molecule that can never be neutral. A bit like the dynamic team that are responsible for fuelling this venture! This leadership program has a focus on experiential learning and if the track record of the previous LEAD Wales brand is anything to go by these courses will be like dynamite for leaders.
The leadership team had already been busy defining their brand and we supported them to create a set of customer personas that we could use to benchmark the brand against. Over the course of a few workshop sessions, this was the approach that helped them to define the brand offer, values, vision and purpose.
A close up of some of the values that were uncovered in the workshop
After clarifying the brand, we offered three very different but viable design options. The vibrant orange and simple font option was the fit! The visual route was then defined and we proceeded to develop their identity with the simple word ‘leadership’ underneath.
Brand options inclusive of vocabulary and different graphic identities
The logo type was developed from the 'Volkswagen’ font. Note the strong image of the ion molecule structure that connects and merge with a colour scheme based on reds and purples. The brand identity was supported by a simple set of guidelines to depict the best practices, straplines, colour, fonts and imagery.
We have wireframed and designed a functional community style website with two phases. First priority is to showcase courses, secondly is to create an online community.
Visit the site to experience the brand: